Sunday, December 24, 2023

Without Leaving my House

At meditation today, my mentor instructed me on grounding myself for deep meditative journeys. As we prepare, we acknowledge the spark of life within us.

This eternal plasma, this flame, has been passed to you. Not from your parents; rather, through them. Their sparks came through their ancestors, and so on, and so on...

Some peoples have in their history that the spark was given to their people directly. Others say their people came from the branches of life that made the australopithecines, and the hominin before them -- the ancestral mammals who survived the great dinosaur destruction -- the time before lungs, when it was only gills -- the primordial ooze hit by lightning in a pond... some go still further, beyond our solar system, from places like Alpha Centauri, Sirius, the Pleaides...  

All these are divine.

All have come a long, LONG way to arrive as a guest in your House.

As has every spark.

There have been so many! But now there are so few. Acknowledge the spark in the ones to your right, and to your left, those above and those below. Know that each and every spark has been traveling, adapting, surviving, in an unbroken line, since the beginning! There has been no instance of spontaneous generation, no apparition of life plasma ex nihilo.  


Every single spark is a piece, a division of the Original. 

Even the animals, who are all fellow travelers.

This is why hunters give thanks for an animal's sacrifice: acknowledging the spark they have put out.

It gives us the ability to run our mahayana vehicle like the engine in a car... we can't build it, we only get to drive. Some aren't yet aware there is anyone else on the road! Still, acknowledge the spark, not necessarily the driver.


Inside this flame is all of history.

Each soul is a direct line from divinity. What person is competent to stand in between? To speak to the universe on my behalf, or translate cosmic intentions for my journey? We almost missed out, listening to others tell us our relationship to the universe. Once we realize the Great Matter for ourselves, we can tap into that spark inside us, which is why we see sayings in the Tao te Ching like, "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders"... and "Without leaving my house, I know the whole universe."  

"Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations... and the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding." Once we are found, we see the recipe of what it took, and know all did what needed to be done, not failing a step, to get us all here, now. 

 Setting us free to show gratitude to each and every spark, for being part of our awakening. 

Feeling centered and grounded for our meditation, we begin.



Friday, December 22, 2023

Time is Over for Divided Mind


For some reason this quiet solstice feels like it is a crossroads.

We are years into recovering from our worldwide troubles, yet the troubles further complicate. 

Lao Tzu says to give something as much care at the end, as you gave in the beginning. This usually works.

BUT does anyone else notice that some situations actually seem to worsen as attention is paid to them, that they somehow get even more complicated with care? This defies logic and the natural way of things. Or does it?

We have been whacking moles, only to find more and more. Stepping into these feels like sticky taffy, getting more brittle the more we mess with it, slowing progress to a halt. These systems that have this type of energy sink are to be avoided if you  value your sanity. But we are entrenched in these in all aspects of our modern lives. How do our easy solutions not make it all better? The little things we do each day that get us through can also be detrimental to long term solutions. Why does it seem so hard?

As a person who became too disabled to participate in the Great American Reindeer Games, now I have had nearly 3 decades of an outsider's perspective. Having grown up an all-American girl, stayed in school and in shape, got degrees and worked hard, did everything that model citizens do, even more by joining the military during the Gulf War to serve my country as a linguist analyst. Award-winning unit... decorated...

it wasn't enough.  

As soon as my body stopped working, after doctors and hospitals made limp attempts to figure my vagus nerve damage out, my country was done with me. So I had to move on and be done with wanting it to want me. But the perspective and awakening I have had to the big thing we call the Truth shows me that all the systems here are geared toward production, and being productive, with no tolerance for those who aren't. And so I finally could untangle those seemingly entrenched emotional roller coasters and heart sinks we call our society, our infrastructure, and can see that it was never going to work for all of us. Those systems are facades, serving a few with minor inconveniences while more and more people face their own personal apocalypses. More faces each year have that same emotionally shattering realization that jobless, homeless, un-able people have no place here. After all, it IS a Republic, and we know that they are made for colonization, not so adaptable when we need to recognize our social concerns.

If you can, search yourselves and see if you can feel it, this solstice feels like a coming awakening on a mass scale. We are calling out lies. We are showing out people's once secret deeds. All shall be known, and then we will have to decide what to do about it. But as we anticipate the big boom we can ALL feel coming, we can take care of each other. Find your tribe and BE a member. Organized religions and other charities have been doing this for centuries... we must find our own reasons, all of us, to be good neighbors, helpful people, communicative. Space equals love! Tolerance is important, when dealingn with our garden variety personalities... we must understand like our Tao te Ching says, 



Can we learn to see that? to show the respect and care for all vessels, even unto the level as if you had made them yourself... in a country where industrialization has deadened our ability to see inanimate objects and art as special, irreplaceable, WE MUST bring back the unique, the sentimental. Let nobody tell you to just get rid of your special things because you can get more later when it's convenient. Anyone who is being told how to feel, what to like or dislike, or even what you should do with your day, let alone your LIFE = being controlled.  


The Romani people understood this, having been shuffled about and still maintaining their ways - very strict, in behaviour and attire - also had very few belongings, and because they were so few, were made FABULOUSLY. They are who I turned to, in order to find my way, since I did not want to sleep in my truck in the streets of Seattle or go to any of their shelters... I knew there had to be another way. I used millenia - old techniques of Egyptian women to keep my person in good fettle, and found that clays, coffee/tea and oils were so much better for my body, inside and out, than the store made stuff-- and soon, those store products were not even acceptable alternatives while traveling anymore.  Let alone the production of the bottles, printing labels, carbon footprints tallying up and up...  no more. Not for me. Not for the last decade now. That's how I came up with the Traveler's Cloak protocols, field testing in real life, a real disabled girl in a real tent in a real Olympic forest for a really long time.

Just to show it can be done.  

We CAN care about ourselves more than the agovernment does. and should!!

We  CAN find alternative ways of being, room for everyone, sharing food, clothing, shelters... and for some it will save their lives. It is time for the gathering of ourselves together, not for rallies -- but for each other. It is a time to put away petty grievance. Is it something that hurts people? We can make it stop. Is there something that is replicatable and helpful? we can share it amongst ourselves. 

We were not put on this planet to painfully give away 20 to 40 years of the best youthful vigor you will ever have. Bad enough we do that to farm animals. Which is how this country views us. Trying to lower minimum age of working, encouraging farm births, maximizing age before retirement, not really caring about the living standards the whole time, because once you are done, they are no longer responsible for you, and the measly amount of rock-bottom priced healthcare that non working elders and disabled get feels like -- say it with me veterans -- they are just waiting for us to die. If it did not feel that way to millions of vets, that would not be a saying. Neither would it be known that Vets get two chances to die for their country -- once during service, and the other at the VA hospital. Ask any vet you know.

This rant is sponsored by a meditation message recently, which came across to me as "The time is over for the divided mind."  We are all suspicious that our galaxy, maybe the universe, is just the order created by a cosmic sonnet, cymatically spinning matter into what we now see... and that we are the mind of the universe itself, having the same ratio of matter to space and nebulae exactly that our own brain neuronal map has. We see thensong is ending. Drift and calculations, the shddering of our great planet... The magnetic field was recently found to be diminishing more than we thought, even a few thousand years ago = 1.5x what we currently measure. So we have to know that ther are more important things in our brief, magical existence than working for people who have profitted off our misery for long enough (look up how many new billionaires were created during the pandemic, and how many are being made due to Ukraine/Palenstine issues).


Lao Tzu says when you divide things into parts, you have to name everything. THERE ARE ENOUGH NAMES.  You are a creator. You have divine origins. What you think of, comes to be, bad or good. What you focus on is brought to life. You are capable of amazing feats, your ideas bring about marvels and changes! What a brilliant mind you have, I cannot wait to see what you do! When you wake up on the other side of heaven and realize this was all for you, that you were a player in a beautiful, amazing opera, and that you were given divine powers to reason and create. Look within yourself, and wonder how you really want to spend your ticket to this ride.  Take this wee existence and make it yours!

I would have been an analyst forever. Thank goodness life didn't let me. I would have never awakened. Even through my TBI, MS, central apnea, gastroporesis, severe carpel tunnel, thoracic crush damage, and now non working limbs, I feel a connection that surpasses any awareness I ever had.  That is how much the universe wanted my attention. Now that I have connected with the Tao, there is no fear of physical death. Now there is just universal mind. And it is calling out --


Come together for each other. No longer shall we be or feel separate.

The time is truly over for a divided mind. 


Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Tools of Those Who Oppose Wise Rule



 Lao Tzu:


One who would guide a leader in the uses of life will warn against the use of arms for conquest.  Weapons often turn upon  the wielder.




Where armies settle, nature offers nothing but briars and thorns.

After a great battle has been fought, the land is cursed; the crops fail, the earth lies stripped of its motherhood. 




After you have attained your purpose, you must not parade your success; you  must not boast of your ability, you must not  feel proud. 

You must rather regret that you had not been able to prevent the war.



You must never think of conquering others by force. Whatever strains with force will soon decay -- it's not attuned to the Way!

Not being attund to the Way, its end comes all too soon.




Weapons are the tools of violence.  All decent people detest them; therefore, followers of the Tao never use them.

Arms serve evil -- they are the tools of those who oppose wise rule. Use them only as a last resort -- for peace and quiet are dearest to the decent heart, and even a victory is no cause for rejoicing. One who thinks triumph beautiful is one with a will to kill; and one with a will to kill shall never prevail upon the world.


It is a good sign when our higher nature comes forward; a bad sign when our lower nature comes forward.  

With the slaughter of multitudes, we have grief and sorrow. Every victory is a funeral; when you win a war, you celebrate by ... mourning.




The eternal Tao has no name. Although simple and subtle, no one in the world can master it.

If kings and lords could harness them, the 10, ooo things would naturally obey. Heaven and earth would rejoice with the dripping of sweet dew! Everyone would live in harmony! not by official decree...  but by their own goodness.




Sunday, December 10, 2023

All Things Under Heaven



Do you believe you can take over the universe 

-- and improve it?  I do not believe it can be done.

Everything under heaven is a sacred vessel, and cannot be controlled!

Trying to control leads to ruin; trying to grasp, we lose.

Allow your life to unfold naturally. 

Know that it, too, is a vessel of perfection!

Just as you breathe in, and breathe out, there is a time for being ahead, and a time for being behind. A time for being in motion, and a time for being at rest; A time for being vigorous, and a time for being exhausted.A time for being safe, and a time for being in danger.

To the sage, all of LIFE is a movement toward perfection.

So what need for the excessive, the extravagant, or the extreme?




There is a time to be asleep, grasshopper; but you can only live your dreams while you are awake.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Let Your Heart Be At Peace


Our true self is ETERNAL, yet we think, I am this body and will soon die....

 ~  ~  ~

Become totally empty.

Let your heart be at peace.

Amidst the rush of worldly comings and goings, observe how endings become beginnings.

Things flourish each by each only to return to the source, to what is and what is to be. 



To return to the root is to find peace; to find peace is to fulfil one's destiny.

To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant; to know the constant is called Insight.

Not knowing this cycle leads to Eternal Disaster.



Knowing the Constant gives Perspective; this perspective is impartial.

Impartiality is the highest nobility, the highest nobility is divine.

Being Divine, you will be at one with the Tao; being at one with the Tao is ETERNAL.

This Way is everlasting, not endangered by physical death.


Lao Tzu



I tell you this, Grasshopper, so you can find peace.


You must continue to put yourself first. Catch your breath. After all, you wouldn't drive your car with only three wheels out of four... but that is just what you do when you busy yourself with worldly concerns, without comforting your own heart first. 


A cup with too little joy cannot overflow and heal your people. Only the true note rings long. 

 Endure, friend!



Sunday, November 26, 2023

I Alone Am an Imbecile




 Chapter 20 of the Tao te Ching

Give up learning, and you will be free from all your cares.*

What is the difference between yes and no?
What is the difference between good and evil?
Must I fear what others fear? 

Should I fear desolation, when there is abundance?

Should I fear darkness, when that Light is shining everywhere?

In spring some go to the park, and climb the terrace;
But I alone am drifting, not knowing where I am.
Like a new-born babe before it learns to smile,
I am alone, without a place to go.

Most people have too much; I alone seem to be missing something. Mine is indeed the mind of an ignoramus, in its unadulterated simplicity!

I am but a guest in this world.

While others rush about to get things done, I accept what is offered. I seem foolish, earning little, spending less. Other people strive for fame; I avoid the limelight, preferring to be left alone.

Indeed, I seem like an idiot -- no mind, no worries. 
I drift like a wave on the ocean, I blow as aimless as the wind.

Everyone settles down in their grooves; I alone am stubborn and remain outside. But where I am most different from others -- is in knowing to take sustenance from the Great Mother.


~  ~  ~


*  Many interpret the translation in the first line as "thinking" -- but this misses the mark. Reading the Tao te Ching many times, it is like a circle, such that once you jump in and begin following, it explains itself. The 48th chapter explains why LEARNING is such a burden: because "Learning consists of daily accumulating; the practice of Tao consists in daily diminishing." To ease our burdens, we stop piling them on, and begin unburdening ourselves of the 'Wisdom' (programming) we carry already.  

We set ourselves free.



Sunday, November 19, 2023

Three Treasures


I have three treasures which I hold fast and watch closely.

The first is Mercy; the second is Frugality; the third is Humility.

From Mercy comes Courage; from Frugality comes Generosity; from Humility comes leadership.

There is no greater misfortune than feeling I have an enemy; for when I and enemy exist together, there is no room left for my treasures.

Lao Tzu



Sunday, November 12, 2023

Stillness and Tranquility



If you suspect you are living in a cult, try to leave.

See what happens.


If you suspect you are being lied to, try telling your truth.

See what happens.


If you suspect this world is engineered to keep you always moving, try being still.

See what happens.


If you suspect your existence feeds unseen forces with the oscillation between joy and pain, and the world is powered by your constant off-centeredness, to the point of illness, anguish, even death, try tranquility.

See what happens.


"Stillness and Tranquility set things in order in the universe...

When action is pure and selfless, everything settles into its own perfect place." 

Lao Tzu





Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Eightfold Path ~ Why Bother?



WHEN WE OBSERVE a wheel-type pictoral example of the Eightfold Path, we notice that indeed there are 8 ends, but look closer: two are on each end of the same oar, stick, line -- as if to suggest each is related to the other. One end lists an internal ideal, the other end leads to the material incorporation of this ideal. Pefect for displaying the 'as above, so below' precept. 

It is ancient for a reason.

Firstly, let us start with the beginnnig of all things, the Thought. Thought is a wild child; thought is ego and curiosity and discovery. It must not be tamed such that it loses its shape and place in our world.

The noble truth on the other end of that oar is, what else, but Speech. Our thoughts often turn into speech, whether they are governed or not. Aha, but it is in the governing that is the key to right speech. The storms of thought, like emotion, are not to be resented for blowing through your attention, which is their job; otherwise you would be noticing what the signals are signaling. Which leads us to our second truth on the incorporeal side: Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is that biblical adage of walking circumspectly -- and how we move about in the world is the tabla rasa, prime for conditioning "the way a man should go" such that "when he is old he will not depart from it" -- this is where the onion layers get put on, and where our self work comes in peeling them off. Seems unfair that by the time most of us realize what is happening, we are years behind in un-programming. Discovering why we do what we do is important because it leads directly to Action. Follow the trail of your actions back to the root causes, and you will find some threads that unravel and distract... but ultimately lead to some gems about yourself, if you stay the course.

Next in our incorporeal side of the list, there is View. One's view of the world paves the path to one's Livelihood, subsistence; the way to provide for oneself, living situation. How we go about our day is informed by our world view -- see for yourself:  If your movitation for the millions of choices modern humans must make each day is rooted in "this place is a meat grinder and I must both think offensively, and act defensively, to not only keep up with what is expected, but exceed expectations and aspire to higher and higher levels in every aspect of my home, work, family, and hobbies" -- that sounds like a lot. Indeed, it is what is required, to "get ahead."

HOWEVER, if one feeds a different worldview into the algorithm, one that affirms this is all happening FOR you... this mysterious existence we are suffering through as a layered mechanism to hone your soul, raise your core vibration, to recognize your real place and relationship with the infinite -- how differently would each choice look? How much would you be in charge of your emotions? 

Over a day, a month... a lifetime?

The agency you unlock within would be unstoppable.

This must be why our brother Jesus kept insisting to give up the things that really belong to other people (he gave Caesar's face on a coin as an example) and follow his example; because as it is written, "you cannot serve god and mammon both" -- everyone tells us that this is the way it is. Search your heart and see if it isn't true, that we are pressured in our times to choose work/money over everything else in our life. Including life itself. We are pressured to only stop doing things for the machine when we reach the assigned age, which used to be 55 when I was growing up. The age of retirement now could have had a child then who would have been old enough to vote and drink years ago.

Lastly, the idea of Intent, when rightly practiced, leads to right Effort. This is what we spend our waking energy doing, what our finely chosen calories burn to enable us to do. There certainly is much energy expended out there to lie, cheat, steal, and hurt people. Their efforts to accoomplish what they do are successful because they take the time to feed their intent through the process. Just like rain falling on the just and the unjust, the physical process honors the effort given; it does not judge why, or care about how. Intent that is harmful, when activated, works more often than intent that is wholesome, but left undone, resolved to chance. The mechanism becomes engaged, turning the incorporeal into the corporeal, withut judgement. It is the nature of physics.

Here is where we look back and see how the invisible truths of thought, mindfullness, view and intent are magically transformed, on this plane of existence or another, into speech, action, livlelihood, and effort. One of my favorite TV show quotes ever is from Madmen, "If this is where we wanted to end up, then we all did everything perfectly."  Also  I love the Tony Robbins "you get what you tolerate" -- total ownership of the sum of our decisions forming present circumstances.

Many of us have experienced unfortunate incidents that seemed to be acts of supernatural origin, and certainly not linked to our behavior.  When looking at your other misfortunes, be bold and brave, adventure into a real jungle -- the one of your own mind that makes up lots and lots of reasons why some things are done and others left undone... when you meet that tabla rasa of you learning the way that you did, please treat that person gently. Give them a cup of tea and a biscuit, warm dry clothes, and a comfy chair. Let them tell you all about it. You will be fast friends, and it may surprise you how some of those ole habitual problems begin to take better care of themselves.

 Just like you.




Sunday, November 5, 2023

When We are Sick of our Sickness


Knowing ignorance is strength.

Ignoring knowledge is sickness.


Only when we are sick of our sickness shall we cease to be sick.




 (verse 71 of the Tao te Ching)


Saturday, November 4, 2023

On Krishnamurti




"Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isn't merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper, and we are inquiring into the very depths of violence.


... Mere explanations will never eradicate the fact that we do not love our neighbour. On the contrary, it is because we are forever giving explanations and causes that we do not face the fact. You give one cause, I give another, and we fight over causes and explanations. We are divided as Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, this or that. We say we do not love because of social conditions, or because it is our karma, or because somebody has a great deal of money while we have very little. We offer innumerable explanations, lots of words, and in the net of words we get caught.


What happens when you face the fact and know for yourself that you do not love your neighbour or your son? If you loved your son, you would educate him entirely differently; you would educate him not to fit into this rotten society, but to be self-sufficient, to be intelligent, to be aware of all the influences around him in which he is caught, smothered, and which never allow him to be free. If you loved your son, who is also your neighbour, there would be no wars because you would want to protect him, not your property, your petty little belief, your bank account, your ugly country or your narrow ideology. So you do not love, and that is a fact.


 The contemptuous way you talk to others, the respect you show to your boss, the deep, reverential salute with which you greet your guru, your pursuit of power, your identification with a country, your seeking – all this indicates that you do not love. If you start from there you can do something. If you are blind and really know it, if you do not imagine you can see, what happens? You move slowly, you touch, you feel; a new sensitivity comes into being. Similarly, when I know that I have no love, and do not pretend to love, when I am aware of the fact that I have no compassion and do not pursue the ideal, then with the facing of that fact there comes a different quality; and it is this quality that saves the world, not organized religion or a clever ideology. It is when the heart is empty that the things of the mind fill it; and the things of the mind are the explanations of that emptiness...


So, if you really want to stop wars, if you really want to put an end to this conflict within society, you must face the fact that you do not love. You may go to a temple and offer flowers to a stone image, but that will not give the heart this extraordinary quality of compassion and love, which comes only when the mind is quiet, and not greedy or envious. When you are aware of the fact that you have no love, and do not run away from it by trying to explain it, or find its cause, then that very awareness begins to do something; it brings gentleness, a sense of compassion. Then there is a possibility of creating a world totally different from this chaotic and brutal existence which we now call life."


It is worth wondering if, as Jiddu says, the empty heart is filled with the mind's conjurations... then let us try the opposite, to empty the bellows we call our mind, and fill it with heart. It is said that the sage empties minds and strengthens bones... we could all use stronger bones, as we seem to have certain rugs pulled out from beneath us more and more often. But how to fill an empty heart? Since hearts are very personal, of course this is difficult to answer. There are six basic human needs (see the Traveler's Cloak post) regardless of continent or age -- so if one is willing, one may take some time to measure what aspects of life are filling those coffers, and how much -- and what aspects are subtracting more from your energy than what you would prefer.

Maybe it is easier to sit back and lament that "it was this way when I got here" and how is one person supposed to change the whole rotten world? Ahhhh, but who first convinced you it was here for you to change? Grasshopper, I am going to ask you a very deep question, one I myself wrestled with, and know its insanity... but -- what if, just what if.... what if nothing is wrong, and everything is just as it is supposed to be... such that YOU are being funneled into developing your knowledge of yourself, and your relationship to the infinite? 


Sounds crazy, especially when so much is going wrong, it seems we have no direction we can turn without hearing about tragedy and experiencing it ourselves. The amount of bad news and poor decisions of leaders make for an awfully hard climate to be our best. What if you could get rid of all your frustration? Not most of it, but all? 100%? What would you be willing to do for that? How about nothing? And so "the greatest intelligence seems stupid (TtC)."

But at this moment, look honestly at the care you give yourself.  The things you do when your body needs them, how you welcome things that are sustainable and life-promoting, and avoiding illness-promoting stress, or making important decisions while hangry, for example. Because how can you show your family and friends you care for them, if you do not know and practice care for your own body? 


When our brother Jesus said we are all one body, how none should compare to other parts for function -- what else do you think that meant? Like Jiddu said, we know but do not do. And again our brother pleaded with us, how can you call me Lord if you don't actually follow my example? When people ask what religion a person is, it is really asking what god do you serve, what is the spirit of your ideal.


 Regardless of what our keepers tell us for our own good, we have proof in their fruit, like our brother said. One peoples tell how their ancestors came here seeking a place to live in peace, taking only what they need, and living close to the land. How can we tell this is true? By seeing that they take only what they need, and are living in peace close to the land. Can you tell then, which peoples worship a different ideal? That some came here to find underlings to carry out their wishes, sewing discord with the land, polluting any number of people and places to get what they want? Eroding mind, body, and soul and killing independent thought, encouraging sheep-like behaviour to facilitate the consistent shaking up of the ant hill, watching them scurry about trying to keep their lives in order, never able to change the system of their discontent. Can you tell which people worship THAT god? 

Anyone can rid themselves of the chains they were born in. Know this now, it is damned uncomfortable, and living without comfort will have to be okay for an indefinite time -- maybe always -- but is the price and ransom of the big Truth. The reason you hear people tell you that for big change you must take big actions (Robbins) is that physics demands a huge up front ante in getting over that hump of ignorance.  It is uncomfortable to regrow an outdated mindset. The time and effort it takes is akin to having a whole other job. It is even scarier to think that one's own government isn't only lying to keep things easy and controlled, it is hurting people in the process. 


Adapt! This is not the end of the world just yet! Only the true note rings long. The falsities of this world outnumber us and our time on the planet. So begin with the very close, personal world of YOU. Make the garden of YOU abundant, healing, transformative -- and your fruits will surely bless all around you, for all the days of your life. That is real, abiding comfort. Don't settle for the cheap knock off. You see how that has gone.


But unless you look at taking care -- perfect care -- of your own person, from inside to out, from crown to ground -- there is really not much you have to offer your kids, your community, or your god.



Beyond Krishnamurti




WHAT IS the root of suffering, if not desire... and what is desire, but the creation of the idea of being without? But what is so wrong with desiring to see a loved one again, or to experience a positively abundant day? Jiddu Krishnamurti discusses such examples, landing on yee oldee Buddhist premise, that Want creates Suffering, regardless of the intent of one who wants. Apparently this is how the road to hell is paved. Wanting something good, like a hug or having a perfect dance performance -- thinking of these creates an artificial binary situation, mentally. As I paraphrase Mr. K, it is the mind's creation of the state of NOT having the thing, comparing the current situation to another, one where an experience was being enjoyed.

If one could just experience the Now without attachment to it, one is free from this wish-fulfillment cycle, always chasing some carrot that will be the key to the next moment of satisfaction, not realizing by thinking of it in these polar terms (having = good, not having = bad) we are literally forging our own unhappiness with our own thoughts.

This is why you have heard, As Above, So Below. Due to the magic of our amazing material-spirit bodies, there is a space in the brain that seems to be where all humans play the movies of our memories, where our dreams are rendered, where some of us envision new, abundant worlds -- remember those "watch your thoughts, they become your words, words become your character, character becomes your destiny quotes we saw as kids. We are inspired through this apparatus, and are likely inspiring (we hope) others when we literally use our heart and brain power to purposefully THINK something... almost like a spell, sending our energies into the spirit realm.

Is it joy? Prayers of hope? Condemning damnation? Jealousy, fear... it all ripples outward. This is where many practices are in accord, in saying that we must tame our thoughts and discipline the creative energies put out by the beating of our hearts. WE ARE creators of realities somewhere, by how we occupy our creative voids.Tis is why Gandi said we must BE the change we want to see in the world, because modeling it is DOING it. And doing it is modeling it. In this way, we follow what our brother says, thinking on things therefore that are good and kind.
But in a system that profits off our misery, we are surrounded every day by  choices between ourselves/loved ones, and work. We have no end to sources of stress, and people are literally disappointed to death. This is not the way we were meant to "find each one our silence" in one translation of the TtC. With expectations placed on us from before birth, we have been measured, poked, sampled, guided... given choices, but in limited lanes. Maybe one day the People will feel like they count again, but there is much work to be done.

In the meantime, Lao Tzu wrote the Tao wants us to treat others gently, leave no one behind; well, much more of course, but this nutshell is after the fashion of Jesus' words, that to love others as yourself will naturally fulfil any specific or group of commandments.

We know, and many of us hear every day, the words of anger, frustration, and un-love. Even those in the customer service profession seem ill equipped. Golden are those whose words can calm without condescending, acknowledge without removing any agency, who can soothe and sate in awkward situations.

So what does it look like to run into a wall of love? a pool of understanding? When a high vibration consciousness turns their attention to communicate with us, would we notice?

The sages are described as :
"Watchful, like those crossing a winter stream
Alert, like those aware of danger
Simple as uncarved wood
Hollow like caves
Yielding, like ice about to melt
Amorphous, like muddy water..."

...because out of this dirt soup, life arises, once stillness has cleared it. 

"The sage lives openly with apparent duality and paradoxical unity." 

The mud is messy, not many will choose it. Those who do may advance. To live with a child mind is to be vulnerable all the time, not many will opt to feel this way constantly. Those who do, may advance. To live a genuine life, one naturally gravitates toward care, taking care first of oneself, then what is closest, and outward. The true spirit does not want distance between hearts, and therefore does not defend itself from pain, no matter the source. This is why the sage heart must distance themself from others at times.

In our world we recognize excess, and reward extreme. The acquiusition of titles causes much strife; maintaining it, consternation and insecurity; and disappointment, ultimately in its loss. But because of how we have learned to be, conundrums arise - "the way of illumination seems dark; going forward seems like retreat; the easy seems hard. True power seems weak; true purity seems tarnished; true clarity seems obscure. The greatest art seems unsophisticated; the greatest love seems indifferent; the greatest wisdom seems childish. 

Do you know people with any of these descriptions, whose mind may have more to it than at surface observation? If you met a Jesus, a Buddha, a Hanuman, would you notice? Would you shun your invented life you've been living to be a part of something True? or would you excuse yourself to get somewhere else, to do some other invented busy work... return to what you know... and just forget there is anything else out there for you.

We are told that if we want to understand humanity, we must begin understanding the Tao, then unlock understanding heaven; once we can do that, we move to understand the earth; only then do we begin to understand people. "What a piece of work is man," indeed.

Perhaps that is why it is written, "The greatest tragedy is discontentment." It skews all things with the weight of it. But the remedy is easy: "Stillness and Tranquilty set things in order in the universe." Try doing that. No equipment needed or apps to download. We also know that "Learning consists of daily accumulating; practicing the Tao consists of daily diminishing." We are called to "embrace yang, and carry yin" which is reflected in our beloved phrase about chopping wood and carrying water.

So watch for an oddity, see the mastery in the demure. Know that the old saying is true, the sage "treats with goodness those who are good; those who are bad are also treated with goodness, because the nature of their being is good. They are kind to the kind, and also kind to the unkind, because the nature of their being is kindness... faithful to the faithful, but also faithful to the unfaithful; lives in harmony with all under heaven, loving everyone as their own child... indeed, even behaves like a child."

There are myriad acts and languages of love and kindness, but the question is, Grasshopper, how will you recognize them? Are they languages you speak? What is it that YOU are communicating, with your thoughts, words, actions, character? Have you tamed the firehose of your own mind? 

If you have, you understand the difficulty ... 

and if you haven't, we could sure use an ally to grow with.

We shall address how shortly!


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Another Prayer





NOT OF MY DOUBT, rendering me unable to think


NOT OF MY FEAR, leaving my senses dull in the face of challenge




Please wash the POCKETS OF STAGNANCY out, 

Where my inaction is allowed to rot

And turn into apathy.






Sunday, October 22, 2023

Manly P. Hall


There is a lot of happiness slipping away from us, wasted by our own carelessness.


The words of our friends, neighbors... the counsel of our ministers, and even the words of our scriptures, are NOT VALID when compared to the personal experience of a fact.


In order to think constructively, we must know what IS constructive in almost any circumstance.  All constructive thinking must arise from thoughtfulness.


The really nice thing, we do not do; and that is the simple giving of our own understanding, and our basic concern for their happiness, rather than what they can do to make us happy.




Sunday, October 15, 2023

Primordial Awareness


 Let us sit and discuss psychological physics.


We know that there is a fabric of the universe, it becomes the basis for all things.  Lao Tzu describes the Mother of 10,000 Things as unseen/invisible; unheard/inaudible; and untouched/intangible. A physics article (I search for the link presently) described truly higher intelligence in the universe is NOT complete order, the antithesis of chaos -- but rather the ability to aggregate into information that can be reorganized in several ways, instead of just one. 

Cutting edge quantum stuff, but also ancient knowledge.

The Tao te Ching goes on to describe these three states of invisible, inaudible, and intangible as merging into one. Three things as one may sound familiar... and that "its rising brings no dawn, its setting no darkness... approach it and there is no beginning; follow it, and there is no end!" This does begin to sound like the fabric of the universe waiting to be acted upon.

Indeed, recent reports in the last few years from the physics front is that light waves become particles when observed, but remain "in original state" if not observed, making an interference pattern. The news seems to be rocking the world of science, as they step into the metaphysical world of matter being indeterminate until heard, seen, or felt. That reality is not predetermined, or a given, but made of many nuclei of tangled vortices, you might say, that unravel when attention is paid to it, creating reality before our eyes. Like the Unreal Engines used to render highly detailed console games. These games can give players perspectives from just about anywhere, at any time, because the game itself is not already made and waiting for something to stumble on it. It is made only as far as the player can see, from their point of view. Much less effort required in this model than the pre-rendered kind.

The TTC further says, "It goes on and on, unnamable, returning into nothingness... but when they (the states) are seen, heard, felt, they are present as one." There is that 3 in one again. The text goes on to acknowledge our eternal nature, and also the dual part of feeling our mortality; that we can be at ease in our lives if we could comprehend the way things have always been, bringing us into harmony.

There may be some language denoting a toroidal field, while formless and perfect, giving rise to shape; empty, solitary and unchanging, it is also boundless, ever flowing, and constantly returning. Like living puzzle pieces, we are miniature examples of universal creation, suspension, and destruction. WE are a reflection of the principalities of matter, that wave passing through the experimental plates... that with attention, become a particle, a visible rendering of whatever emotion seems to be running at the time.

Lao Tzu wrote "When the unformed become formed, original qualities are lost... (but) if one learns to preserve their original qualities, one can govern any thing."

We  CAN get in touch with our original nature, bathe in the infinite fabric that contains all knowledge, by meditation and other connection-based activities. Jesus told us we are IN the world but not OF it; Erwin Schrodinger showed us something called "superpositioning" as we delve into how an object can be in two places at once at any particular time, only settling the matter when the state is observed and locked into reality. 

Think of what power that gives you as you move through your day! 

Remember, the knots of reality strings are small, and are coaxed out with attention; the state of an object can have complicated forces connected to it. These quantum layers of available realities, these seeds of materia, are termed the "Copenhagen Interpretation" and many global scientists are interested in it, trying to find the line between what exists of itself and what we may bring about by looking at something. Our attention has that much power.

There are many similarities between the Tao te Ching and the New Testament, one is the description of what it is like to live our true natures: 

"Be the pattern of the world... move constantly in the path of virtue... travel without leaving a trace... speak without hurting... give without keeping a tally... help all impartially, abandoning which?? none! Waste no opportunity!" Some of these are paraphrased. But "To know the Way, understand the Great within yourself." 

Inside you is the pattern the universe used to make you. You were shining through space until someone "paid attention" and brought this thought into existence. 

You are now HEARD, FELT, and yes, also SEEN, reflecting the light you once were, and shall be again when you rejoin the infinite. 

YOU are wave turned particle.

You ARE the light.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Knowing the Ancient Beginning



Think of a situation where you are looking online for directions. The all-knowing map program keeps giving you directions, from its company headquarters. How helpful is that?! What good would it be if there was only one set of directions to a place? Especially one where people are supposed to go -- nay, invited to come. We all need directions from where we are, not the ones other people give us to show us how THEY got from where THEY were...

Forcing yourself to adhere to the lifestyle of masters leads to resentment and gives increase to our obstacles -- instead, understand these things describe a state of arrival.

Chapter 15 of the Tao te Ching :

The ancient masters were subtle, mysterious, profound, responsive.
The depth of their knowledge is unfathomable.
Because it is unfathomable,
All we can do is describe their appearance.


BUT we need time and space, and support as human beings to actualize ourselves. We are dropped into a spiritual war zone and given options of x, y, or z and told that is called choice. We are "loved" into being a productive member of this machine. How would we expect to become one with ourselves on this hamster wheel... and just try living outside of it! All the walls are slippery and not meant to be breached. Still, this is what we must do in order to regain our own personal relationship with the infinite.

Chapter 75 :

Why are the people starving?
Because the rulers use up the money in taxes.
Therefore the people are starving.

Why are the people rebellious?
Because the rulers interfere too much.
Therefore they are rebellious.

Why do the people think so little of death?
Because the rulers demand too much of life.
Therefore the people take death lightly.

If you ascribe to the notion of the fractal, and begin to see a pattern in how people are treated, you must then realize, and look inside yourself for the ways in which you, too ignore your own pains and put your shiny things first instead of finding it enough to fill your belly (Chapter 12, ibid.). 

Understand that the things you put up with in your country, your school boards, your hospitals -- are the things that we as a people are putting up with in ourselves, not valuing ourselves because we ourselves are not valued. There is a term for this when the abductees begin to repeat what the masters say.

The great news is that connection can be known. But you must face that which you refuse to see. You must confront that which causes you consternation. Slay the monsters that have hold of you, don't run from them anymore. 

Today is the Day you were waiting for!


Blunt the sharpness,
Untangle the knot,
Soften the glare,
Merge with dust.

(Chapter 4)

Stand before it and there is no beginning.
Follow it and there is no end.
Stay with the ancient Tao,
Move with the present.

Knowing the ancient beginning is the essence of Tao.

(Chapter 14)



 The Universe sang you into existence... maybe try to learn a little of the song?





Sunday, October 1, 2023

Embrace What is Given Freely



EMBRACE that which is given freely: sunshine, rain, a teardrop of sadness, a chortle of joy.


When you CUT TO FIT, you create remnants. When demand is more than actual need, waste and confusion is created. More PROTOCOLS are required to tend and care for what you have left behind you. These are your FRUITS.


And unless you have a way of dealing with what you leave behind, you become irresponsible with the myriad of tiny little loose ends in your life. If you do not... well, how can such a person can be trusted? With a bunch of untended, rotten fruit you have left for others to enjoy.


Energistically, in this situation, YOU are the teacher, the adult, the authority; your leftovers are your energic "children" or students. You created these, now you are responsible for them.  "If the teacher is not respected, And the student not cared for, Confusion will arise, however clever one is. (Lao Tzu)


Instead, embrace the fullness of real life. YOUR LIFE. The whole you, where the spark lives. You are not just a sum of some pieces and parts made of six types of atoms (only six!) to be treated like a symptom that needs solutions from someone else. We are each one degree from our creation, and can access the universe all by ourselves.

The life in you is the same life ... from the beginning of LIFE ITSELF! It is a bit of a mind twist but you can observe it for yourself.  Our grandmothers got THEIR sparks from their own, and so on, and so on. The first spark traveled from the most ancient mother, down through each of her daughters, throughout all of TIME, until one of them carried and brought YOU.

There has been no interruption.

And with this spark comes Wisdom. Tap into it. Listen to what it has to say. It can teach you, testify to you, witness for you. Keep listening.

Your name has already been written in heaven. Of course the universe knows you, and shall welcome you at the secret, appointed time.

You could never "fail" -- you are already a JOY!

When you feel disconnected, whether via sadness or anger, or feeling numb, keep listening.

Begin to hear the music and songs of the ones who inherited this spark before you. They sing over you in the dark and deserted places through which you must walk.

Your journey has led you here, but it is not over!

Keep listening.




Saturday, September 23, 2023

Make it Shekinah



So many years of collecting feathers, over distances -- I see that not all feathers are the same. Of course not, but I look further even. What makes a great tail feather is not what makes a great neck feather. A downy fluff would not do well on a slick wing. Maybe observing so many types makes it easy for me to see, that sometimes it takes so long just to find out what kind of feather we are. It seems just as unnecessary that so many people haven't yet seen that we can't all be the same feathers.

If you do not take the time to get to know yourself, and be yourself... Grasshopper, if you aren't there, who will stand in that spot, be your feather, on the bird? If we are all on the spectrum, nobody else can occupy your space on the rainbow! You are the only one who can represent your particular shade, hue, vibrancy. Only you can make it shine.

Living in reality, simulation... regardless of what the truth is, we still must play the character we know we are meant to... someone took the time to roll you out, gave you your special mix of abilities and frailties, put a compass in your heart, and set you free.

Find your way, Grasshopper!

We are counting on you.

playing one's part, in accordance with the universe, is true humility ~ Lao Tzu



Sunday, September 17, 2023

Parable of the Bowls


This morning’s dishwashing had much to teach.

The usual compliment of cups and bowls were joined by some items that had been outside, and too long at that. Nature had pungently begun to reclaim the few carbohydrates clinging to the glass.

As I washed the least soiled first, working my way to the worst, I created a process of de-soiling that involved a baking soda soak; then a boiling water silicone scrub and spatula chisel; and finally, it was at a level I could manually scrub it in the washtub, confident in its utter purity.

The storage dish seemed to represent me, at once trying to be useful, but neglected in maintenance. I asked the Tao, Is this necessary with me too, as I have neglected my spirit? Only to come to you as stinking puke? How is it I did not simply get thrown out? How much easier to find another, and clean. It said, You had lots of extra dirt clinging on. It takes what it takes.

And so it was, that eventually all were scrubbed to perfection, awaiting a rinse and placement on the dishrack. In order to save the washwater in the pot for next meal’s presoak, and upcycle the rinsewater in the tub, a medium-sized container was needed to shuffle the liquids where they could be used. The closest and best option was, as it turned out, one of these previously grotesque dishes, now sparkling.

That such a dirty dish, at one time, had the duty, nay — honor, to rinse the hard-working pot, the superhero in this washing lineup, in the end. The right tool for the right job can come from anywhere at any time, and so no single tool can claim higher importance than any other.

To the Tao, each creation is equal already, with no need — or power, even — to compete. If we are to be the right tool at the right time, we must understand this. To understand the way is to see the greatness in yourself. Once you realize your own connection, not even death can sever it.

Still, it is better, though, to be useless and left to pursue our own silence.


Monday, August 7, 2023

Ancient Mother



Who passes through our grandmother's hands to our own, 

And on through us to our daughters' daughters:

Teach us the Ancient Ways,

The Wisdom locked in our hearts,

That which you have hidden inside us

So that we may endure these times;

Now let us awaken this Love

So that All may be Blessed,

Our spirits and ourselves,

Thriving as was intended for All


From the Beginning.





free all beings, heal the land, let their freedom heal you 

wunjo na dagaz


Monday, July 3, 2023

Restoration Protocol --- Sample Cloak in Action, The Daoguan goes to the Mountain



 IT'S BEEN nearly a year after the skull surgery to remove an ill-placed tumor that was cutting off a vein coming out of my brain. They said I would be gone by October 2023. This recovery year has been extremely traumatizing and alienating. I put on my cloak and made some adjustments, so I could make the journey I need to, now that I am ready and somewhat able. Taking some time at some mineral springs, and bringing the items identified by going through the Cloak Protocol.



hydrotherapy, preferrably in mineral water, hot springs, xenotes

spray bottle with water/extract/tea etc for skin freshening, mobile bidet with dab rags, kula cloths

hand crafted restoration pod: magnets, homeostatic reflective materials, infrared, vibration tech, aromatherapy, music or tuning forks, high vibration visuals

natural fiber drying cloths for wet and dry brushing after bathing, non toxin adjacent (talking to you, bamboo processing) and fairly farme; camp towels, bath mitts, back scrubber, seat

basalt heat rocks, hot water bottles, rosemary or eucalyptus sprigs for sauna whisks

oatmeal for soothing facials or drawing out stress, coffee for light acid cleansing over whole body, olive oil, coconut oil, almond rose oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel scrub, clays, silicone scrubbies

pull trauma from tissues with the metals: sodium (epsom), magnesium (milk of mag) and potassium (use banana or just peel)

apparel for relaxing, for compression, tens units, Salon Pas adhesive capsaicin

lemon extract & water spray for toner needs

wool throws, posture pillows



alkaline water, magnetized or otherwise treated (singing bowls, sun/chill/shake, etc)

psyllium and bentonite parasite and colon cleanse, Vit C, MSM in equall measure for cellular permeability/ adaptogenic peroperties; glutamine, electrolytes, herbs from Dr. Sebi's Village

apples 2x/day, macronutrient/ alkaline diet also from Dr Sebi's Nutritional Guide, cross referenced with foods from the Glycemic Index good columns, also cross matched for my Blood Type and particular for regenerating damaged Vagus Nerve

Sonicare toothbrush, herbal tooth powder, coconut oil, flossers, non fluoride mint paste

hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs for general cl, cleansing ears



Qi Kung, yoga, twists and stretches, left and right mirroring, exercises to reconnect neurons

breathing, meditation, Alexander School techniques of brain communication

yoga bricks or body aligning pillows, my souped up wheelchair

jounal, notebook, planner and pens


magnetic eggcrate foam sleep mattress, reflective material cover, body aligning pillows

herbs, salves, hot water bottles, battery powered candle w/timer, aromatherapy flight:

Cedar    Sweetgrass    Apricot

Bergamot    Rose    Myrtlewood

Cucumber      Green Tea      Fig

Honeysuckle    Jasmine    Tobacco

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

PsyOps in the American Forests -- Post Script to the PNW Series



WHAT is happening in our forests? 


The question is: can an organism not previously categorized be discovered in the North American continent? Sides have polarized in a way few subjects have commanded. One believes in circumstantial or lucky conditions to explain repeated findings, is reductionist without offering substantive alternatives, other than aforementioned luck, and very COMPLICATED in that it requires several things to happen in certain order, randomly but repeated similarly and simultaneously.

Another is evidence based, and growing in sample numbers every day; inclusive, taking underrepresented sources into account; agrees with all the evidence examined and accepted by multiple scientists; and adheres to Occam's razor, providing the simplest explanation (notwithstanding the recent questions regarding this tenet).


The practical nature in claiming any or all encounters and tracks have been faked is to claim that:

A person or group of people have been perfectly impersonating an 8 foot tall beast using a stretchy, hairy costume with muscles of Mr. Universe, running around usually at night, vision not impaired in the least, and who is perfectly agile on stilts with weights at the bottom to leave actual impressions professionally measured to have been up to about 1000 pounds each with strides 6 feet apart;

A person or group of people ascertained the plans of one or more famous explorers, and since the 1950s has laid tracks ahead of said famous exploerers to fool them just for fun, letting them take the credit for being the first ones up those mountains;

A person or group of people ascertained the location of police and sheriff vehicles, placing enough individuals around the boundary of their routes, spending many nights and lucky guesses in order  to fake encounters with them WHEREVER and IF they may be answering the call of nature, and as with many hunters, knowing full well and of their own sound mind choosing to face the consequences of running up on the best armed and the most highly trained people who carry authority to respond how they see fit;

A person or group of people continue to ascertain the plans of outdoorsmen on any planned and unplanned trips into the wilds of the extreme north American continent, making the same tracks over all the beaches all at once the day before, just so wherever the boat happened to be landing, there would be a discovery;

Snow crushed the trees together in geometric shapes, breaking off all the needles/ branches neatly;

Wind blew only this tree in a 45 degree angle, in a group of many, sometimes without killing it;

Treefall caught these flexible trees, notching them into arches with other trees or windfall;

Puma, acting unnaturally in typical recorded behavior of burying their kills, and demonstrating they're selectively at times bionically stronger than their typical pull weight of about 70 lbs.;

Wolves, which have been absent until recently found in the single digits in the South Cascades;

Coyote, giving up normal behavior, apparently bringing knives to dinner;

Elk, confused and stumbling up a tree, pooped from up there all night.





The lowest standard of proof in the legal world is termed Preponderance of the Evidence. This standard comes into play when evidence demonstrates the claims have a greater than 50% chance to be true,  and is considred satisfied if it can be demonstrated it is more likely to be true than not true.This is baseline proof that gets people in jail. There is a greater standard that is applied in capital offense cases, although more vague, stating the evidence needs to be Clear and Convincing. We must then determine this definition, which states we must demonstrate that it is "highly and substantially" more probable to be true than not true. The next and highest standard, utiilized in criminal cases, is termed Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, defined as sufficient proof such that no other plausible account or conclusion is possible.

The critical mind observes that in the legal arena, one simple obstacle that is overcome in each instance is how that judge or that jury sees the body of evidence. If they are more than half sure, someone goes to jail and /or pays lots of money.  If they "feel satisfied" that the evidence is highly and substantially more probable than the mere 50 %,  or are convinced  "no other plausible conclusion exists," this person is convicted of serious crimes and may even get a lethal injection. Eyewitnesses aren't required for the death penalty; recordings, material findings -- no particular recipe is required, just that whatever IS presented needs to give people various degrees of certainty.

The inquiring mind then sees that greater than 5% of death row cases alone are overturned due to prosecutorial misconduct, namely withholding favorable evidence and making improper arguments. This number does not reflect any misconduct in cases other than capital punishment. In looking just a little further, we see the ugly truth play out that humans themselves are unjust in judging, letting irrelevant factors determine whether someone is sentenced to death. Studies show that misperception, gender and race bias, and even geography, are 'constitutional problems' and have been commented on by the late Justice Bader Ginsberg when she said, "I have yet to see a death case among the dozens com­ing to the Supreme Court... in which the defen­dant was well rep­re­sent­ed at tri­al.”

Tens of thousands of people have made sworn statements about their experiences with very real animals, and hundreds of eyewitness accounts around the world match over time --  more than enough, when properly and academically examined, to put thousands of people in prison or to death, if this were a trial --  just nowhere near good enough to acknowledge the existence of an organism. Thank goodness this crowd was not there to give Darwin their lack of approval of his measly drawings and observations. How many species were acknowledged and categorized when a retired minister drew pictures in his little journal. Most people in the world will never see a komodo, gorilla, or leatherback. They usually don't get a vote on scientific discovery validation, the way they  signal disapproval of the subject, but then again their voting is not appropriate. Invalidating tens of thousands of sightings is equally inappropriate, especially in light of the weight the law gives it when a man's life is at stake. 

Cryptids were organisms deemed by science to be 'cryptic' in nature: those who hide all too well, camouflage expertly, and are active in places or times not normally accessible by humans. One could argue that all animals we discover from here on out would be considered cryptids. Reports and other material findings go for years only to be thwarted and ridiculed hen we persevere in its detection. We have since discovered gorillas and other creatures we used to also christen 'mythological.' The poorly weighted arguments of many, and the silencing of voices, is added to the purposeful subterfuge by multiple authorities. You can identify them by their need for codes of silence and losing materials turned in by the public, or denying access altogether. If it was a new species of frog, instead of a bipedal intelligence, would this precipitate the same type of response?

When you can't deny it, lean into it! Joke publication

There is no extant source or credit given for what is on this other joke publication

A dog supposedly crawled 28 feet up a hollow tree and got stuck, mummified


Whoever depends on them for food is hurting this year

Many closures this year during migration times
