Saturday, February 10, 2024



Are you as excited for the Year of the Dragon as I am?


It has been 12 years since 2012, and it seems somehow significant that we are back here, halfway through the procession. Personally, life went downhill in general after that year with some huge losses in the departments of Loved Ones and Health, and only seemed to stop spiraling a month ago. 


There has been an upswing in the number of Loved Ones and Health departments, as accidentally and suddenly as the leaving of the previous. No more New Years Resolutions, I've been fully resolved! It is a time of freedom and reaping, of the abundance of hope springing forth, out of the coin bank where I put every dashed hope secretly, where it was buried in mud and mire for a long time. Let the lotus be born out of every poor situation and each awful circumstance, rising up at last, to shine.

I find no need to identify myself or anyone else by what they eat, where they put their genitals, what kind of genitals they have OR had, where their parents were born. Does it conribute to life, or death? Is the only question. Lao Tzu says we can see the Tao in things -- "To truly see it, see it as it is: in a person, see it as a person; in a family, see it as a family; in a country, see it as a country; in the world, see it as the world." Furthermore, we can see this and more by 'looking inside' ourselves. This is the day you were waiting for, when you realize your agency! Your own relationship with the universe that brought life through the millenia, to end up sitting right here inside you. You are free! Free to explore it, free to give and receive, to live without end. Make every moment a movement toward perfection. Let nobody dictate your heart, your soul, your inner person, your thoughts, your actions -- your character. Only you choose. Choose everything, make your outer life as intentional as your inner one. Take GREAT care of your hair, skin, nails, teeth -- along with your skeleton, your organs, and your mind.


Just as you may push aside extra sugar, caffeine, and processed convenience foods, also push poor choices away from what you let enter your mind. Step up and move away from droning news channels at the waiting rooms, balance the frenetic chaos of network and cable with meditation, silence, serenity. Your mind is not a slop bucket for anyone and everyone to dump their garbage. Not after today. Not ever again. Those muscles may be weakened, and need your attention, and exercise. This is where we break out in song.... click to be inspired!


This Is It (Kenny Loggins song) - Wikipedia

Thanks, Kenny Loggins.