EMBRACE that which is given freely: sunshine, rain, a teardrop of sadness, a chortle of joy.
When you CUT TO FIT, you create remnants. When demand is more than actual need, waste and confusion is created. More PROTOCOLS are required to tend and care for what you have left behind you. These are your FRUITS.
And unless you have a way of dealing with what you leave behind, you become irresponsible with the myriad of tiny little loose ends in your life. If you do not... well, how can such a person can be trusted? With a bunch of untended, rotten fruit you have left for others to enjoy.
Energistically, in this situation, YOU are the teacher, the adult, the authority; your leftovers are your energic "children" or students. You created these, now you are responsible for them. "If the teacher is not respected, And the student not cared for, Confusion will arise, however clever one is. (Lao Tzu)
Instead, embrace the fullness of real life. YOUR LIFE. The whole you, where the spark lives. You are not just a sum of some pieces and parts made of six types of atoms (only six!) to be treated like a symptom that needs solutions from someone else. We are each one degree from our creation, and can access the universe all by ourselves.
The life in you is the same life ... from the beginning of LIFE ITSELF! It is a bit of a mind twist but you can observe it for yourself. Our grandmothers got THEIR sparks from their own, and so on, and so on. The first spark traveled from the most ancient mother, down through each of her daughters, throughout all of TIME, until one of them carried and brought YOU.
There has been no interruption.
And with this spark comes Wisdom. Tap into it. Listen to what it has to say. It can teach you, testify to you, witness for you. Keep listening.
Your name has already been written in heaven. Of course the universe knows you, and shall welcome you at the secret, appointed time.
You could never "fail" -- you are already a JOY!
When you feel disconnected, whether via sadness or anger, or feeling numb, keep listening.
Begin to hear the music and songs of the ones who inherited this spark before you. They sing over you in the dark and deserted places through which you must walk.
Your journey has led you here, but it is not over!
Keep listening.
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