Sunday, December 3, 2023

Let Your Heart Be At Peace


Our true self is ETERNAL, yet we think, I am this body and will soon die....

 ~  ~  ~

Become totally empty.

Let your heart be at peace.

Amidst the rush of worldly comings and goings, observe how endings become beginnings.

Things flourish each by each only to return to the source, to what is and what is to be. 



To return to the root is to find peace; to find peace is to fulfil one's destiny.

To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant; to know the constant is called Insight.

Not knowing this cycle leads to Eternal Disaster.



Knowing the Constant gives Perspective; this perspective is impartial.

Impartiality is the highest nobility, the highest nobility is divine.

Being Divine, you will be at one with the Tao; being at one with the Tao is ETERNAL.

This Way is everlasting, not endangered by physical death.


Lao Tzu



I tell you this, Grasshopper, so you can find peace.


You must continue to put yourself first. Catch your breath. After all, you wouldn't drive your car with only three wheels out of four... but that is just what you do when you busy yourself with worldly concerns, without comforting your own heart first. 


A cup with too little joy cannot overflow and heal your people. Only the true note rings long. 

 Endure, friend!



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