Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Eightfold Path ~ Why Bother?



WHEN WE OBSERVE a wheel-type pictoral example of the Eightfold Path, we notice that indeed there are 8 ends, but look closer: two are on each end of the same oar, stick, line -- as if to suggest each is related to the other. One end lists an internal ideal, the other end leads to the material incorporation of this ideal. Pefect for displaying the 'as above, so below' precept. 

It is ancient for a reason.

Firstly, let us start with the beginnnig of all things, the Thought. Thought is a wild child; thought is ego and curiosity and discovery. It must not be tamed such that it loses its shape and place in our world.

The noble truth on the other end of that oar is, what else, but Speech. Our thoughts often turn into speech, whether they are governed or not. Aha, but it is in the governing that is the key to right speech. The storms of thought, like emotion, are not to be resented for blowing through your attention, which is their job; otherwise you would be noticing what the signals are signaling. Which leads us to our second truth on the incorporeal side: Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is that biblical adage of walking circumspectly -- and how we move about in the world is the tabla rasa, prime for conditioning "the way a man should go" such that "when he is old he will not depart from it" -- this is where the onion layers get put on, and where our self work comes in peeling them off. Seems unfair that by the time most of us realize what is happening, we are years behind in un-programming. Discovering why we do what we do is important because it leads directly to Action. Follow the trail of your actions back to the root causes, and you will find some threads that unravel and distract... but ultimately lead to some gems about yourself, if you stay the course.

Next in our incorporeal side of the list, there is View. One's view of the world paves the path to one's Livelihood, subsistence; the way to provide for oneself, living situation. How we go about our day is informed by our world view -- see for yourself:  If your movitation for the millions of choices modern humans must make each day is rooted in "this place is a meat grinder and I must both think offensively, and act defensively, to not only keep up with what is expected, but exceed expectations and aspire to higher and higher levels in every aspect of my home, work, family, and hobbies" -- that sounds like a lot. Indeed, it is what is required, to "get ahead."

HOWEVER, if one feeds a different worldview into the algorithm, one that affirms this is all happening FOR you... this mysterious existence we are suffering through as a layered mechanism to hone your soul, raise your core vibration, to recognize your real place and relationship with the infinite -- how differently would each choice look? How much would you be in charge of your emotions? 

Over a day, a month... a lifetime?

The agency you unlock within would be unstoppable.

This must be why our brother Jesus kept insisting to give up the things that really belong to other people (he gave Caesar's face on a coin as an example) and follow his example; because as it is written, "you cannot serve god and mammon both" -- everyone tells us that this is the way it is. Search your heart and see if it isn't true, that we are pressured in our times to choose work/money over everything else in our life. Including life itself. We are pressured to only stop doing things for the machine when we reach the assigned age, which used to be 55 when I was growing up. The age of retirement now could have had a child then who would have been old enough to vote and drink years ago.

Lastly, the idea of Intent, when rightly practiced, leads to right Effort. This is what we spend our waking energy doing, what our finely chosen calories burn to enable us to do. There certainly is much energy expended out there to lie, cheat, steal, and hurt people. Their efforts to accoomplish what they do are successful because they take the time to feed their intent through the process. Just like rain falling on the just and the unjust, the physical process honors the effort given; it does not judge why, or care about how. Intent that is harmful, when activated, works more often than intent that is wholesome, but left undone, resolved to chance. The mechanism becomes engaged, turning the incorporeal into the corporeal, withut judgement. It is the nature of physics.

Here is where we look back and see how the invisible truths of thought, mindfullness, view and intent are magically transformed, on this plane of existence or another, into speech, action, livlelihood, and effort. One of my favorite TV show quotes ever is from Madmen, "If this is where we wanted to end up, then we all did everything perfectly."  Also  I love the Tony Robbins "you get what you tolerate" -- total ownership of the sum of our decisions forming present circumstances.

Many of us have experienced unfortunate incidents that seemed to be acts of supernatural origin, and certainly not linked to our behavior.  When looking at your other misfortunes, be bold and brave, adventure into a real jungle -- the one of your own mind that makes up lots and lots of reasons why some things are done and others left undone... when you meet that tabla rasa of you learning the way that you did, please treat that person gently. Give them a cup of tea and a biscuit, warm dry clothes, and a comfy chair. Let them tell you all about it. You will be fast friends, and it may surprise you how some of those ole habitual problems begin to take better care of themselves.

 Just like you.




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