Sunday, October 29, 2023

Another Prayer





NOT OF MY DOUBT, rendering me unable to think


NOT OF MY FEAR, leaving my senses dull in the face of challenge




Please wash the POCKETS OF STAGNANCY out, 

Where my inaction is allowed to rot

And turn into apathy.






Sunday, October 22, 2023

Manly P. Hall


There is a lot of happiness slipping away from us, wasted by our own carelessness.


The words of our friends, neighbors... the counsel of our ministers, and even the words of our scriptures, are NOT VALID when compared to the personal experience of a fact.


In order to think constructively, we must know what IS constructive in almost any circumstance.  All constructive thinking must arise from thoughtfulness.


The really nice thing, we do not do; and that is the simple giving of our own understanding, and our basic concern for their happiness, rather than what they can do to make us happy.




Sunday, October 15, 2023

Primordial Awareness


 Let us sit and discuss psychological physics.


We know that there is a fabric of the universe, it becomes the basis for all things.  Lao Tzu describes the Mother of 10,000 Things as unseen/invisible; unheard/inaudible; and untouched/intangible. A physics article (I search for the link presently) described truly higher intelligence in the universe is NOT complete order, the antithesis of chaos -- but rather the ability to aggregate into information that can be reorganized in several ways, instead of just one. 

Cutting edge quantum stuff, but also ancient knowledge.

The Tao te Ching goes on to describe these three states of invisible, inaudible, and intangible as merging into one. Three things as one may sound familiar... and that "its rising brings no dawn, its setting no darkness... approach it and there is no beginning; follow it, and there is no end!" This does begin to sound like the fabric of the universe waiting to be acted upon.

Indeed, recent reports in the last few years from the physics front is that light waves become particles when observed, but remain "in original state" if not observed, making an interference pattern. The news seems to be rocking the world of science, as they step into the metaphysical world of matter being indeterminate until heard, seen, or felt. That reality is not predetermined, or a given, but made of many nuclei of tangled vortices, you might say, that unravel when attention is paid to it, creating reality before our eyes. Like the Unreal Engines used to render highly detailed console games. These games can give players perspectives from just about anywhere, at any time, because the game itself is not already made and waiting for something to stumble on it. It is made only as far as the player can see, from their point of view. Much less effort required in this model than the pre-rendered kind.

The TTC further says, "It goes on and on, unnamable, returning into nothingness... but when they (the states) are seen, heard, felt, they are present as one." There is that 3 in one again. The text goes on to acknowledge our eternal nature, and also the dual part of feeling our mortality; that we can be at ease in our lives if we could comprehend the way things have always been, bringing us into harmony.

There may be some language denoting a toroidal field, while formless and perfect, giving rise to shape; empty, solitary and unchanging, it is also boundless, ever flowing, and constantly returning. Like living puzzle pieces, we are miniature examples of universal creation, suspension, and destruction. WE are a reflection of the principalities of matter, that wave passing through the experimental plates... that with attention, become a particle, a visible rendering of whatever emotion seems to be running at the time.

Lao Tzu wrote "When the unformed become formed, original qualities are lost... (but) if one learns to preserve their original qualities, one can govern any thing."

We  CAN get in touch with our original nature, bathe in the infinite fabric that contains all knowledge, by meditation and other connection-based activities. Jesus told us we are IN the world but not OF it; Erwin Schrodinger showed us something called "superpositioning" as we delve into how an object can be in two places at once at any particular time, only settling the matter when the state is observed and locked into reality. 

Think of what power that gives you as you move through your day! 

Remember, the knots of reality strings are small, and are coaxed out with attention; the state of an object can have complicated forces connected to it. These quantum layers of available realities, these seeds of materia, are termed the "Copenhagen Interpretation" and many global scientists are interested in it, trying to find the line between what exists of itself and what we may bring about by looking at something. Our attention has that much power.

There are many similarities between the Tao te Ching and the New Testament, one is the description of what it is like to live our true natures: 

"Be the pattern of the world... move constantly in the path of virtue... travel without leaving a trace... speak without hurting... give without keeping a tally... help all impartially, abandoning which?? none! Waste no opportunity!" Some of these are paraphrased. But "To know the Way, understand the Great within yourself." 

Inside you is the pattern the universe used to make you. You were shining through space until someone "paid attention" and brought this thought into existence. 

You are now HEARD, FELT, and yes, also SEEN, reflecting the light you once were, and shall be again when you rejoin the infinite. 

YOU are wave turned particle.

You ARE the light.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Knowing the Ancient Beginning



Think of a situation where you are looking online for directions. The all-knowing map program keeps giving you directions, from its company headquarters. How helpful is that?! What good would it be if there was only one set of directions to a place? Especially one where people are supposed to go -- nay, invited to come. We all need directions from where we are, not the ones other people give us to show us how THEY got from where THEY were...

Forcing yourself to adhere to the lifestyle of masters leads to resentment and gives increase to our obstacles -- instead, understand these things describe a state of arrival.

Chapter 15 of the Tao te Ching :

The ancient masters were subtle, mysterious, profound, responsive.
The depth of their knowledge is unfathomable.
Because it is unfathomable,
All we can do is describe their appearance.


BUT we need time and space, and support as human beings to actualize ourselves. We are dropped into a spiritual war zone and given options of x, y, or z and told that is called choice. We are "loved" into being a productive member of this machine. How would we expect to become one with ourselves on this hamster wheel... and just try living outside of it! All the walls are slippery and not meant to be breached. Still, this is what we must do in order to regain our own personal relationship with the infinite.

Chapter 75 :

Why are the people starving?
Because the rulers use up the money in taxes.
Therefore the people are starving.

Why are the people rebellious?
Because the rulers interfere too much.
Therefore they are rebellious.

Why do the people think so little of death?
Because the rulers demand too much of life.
Therefore the people take death lightly.

If you ascribe to the notion of the fractal, and begin to see a pattern in how people are treated, you must then realize, and look inside yourself for the ways in which you, too ignore your own pains and put your shiny things first instead of finding it enough to fill your belly (Chapter 12, ibid.). 

Understand that the things you put up with in your country, your school boards, your hospitals -- are the things that we as a people are putting up with in ourselves, not valuing ourselves because we ourselves are not valued. There is a term for this when the abductees begin to repeat what the masters say.

The great news is that connection can be known. But you must face that which you refuse to see. You must confront that which causes you consternation. Slay the monsters that have hold of you, don't run from them anymore. 

Today is the Day you were waiting for!


Blunt the sharpness,
Untangle the knot,
Soften the glare,
Merge with dust.

(Chapter 4)

Stand before it and there is no beginning.
Follow it and there is no end.
Stay with the ancient Tao,
Move with the present.

Knowing the ancient beginning is the essence of Tao.

(Chapter 14)



 The Universe sang you into existence... maybe try to learn a little of the song?





Sunday, October 1, 2023

Embrace What is Given Freely



EMBRACE that which is given freely: sunshine, rain, a teardrop of sadness, a chortle of joy.


When you CUT TO FIT, you create remnants. When demand is more than actual need, waste and confusion is created. More PROTOCOLS are required to tend and care for what you have left behind you. These are your FRUITS.


And unless you have a way of dealing with what you leave behind, you become irresponsible with the myriad of tiny little loose ends in your life. If you do not... well, how can such a person can be trusted? With a bunch of untended, rotten fruit you have left for others to enjoy.


Energistically, in this situation, YOU are the teacher, the adult, the authority; your leftovers are your energic "children" or students. You created these, now you are responsible for them.  "If the teacher is not respected, And the student not cared for, Confusion will arise, however clever one is. (Lao Tzu)


Instead, embrace the fullness of real life. YOUR LIFE. The whole you, where the spark lives. You are not just a sum of some pieces and parts made of six types of atoms (only six!) to be treated like a symptom that needs solutions from someone else. We are each one degree from our creation, and can access the universe all by ourselves.

The life in you is the same life ... from the beginning of LIFE ITSELF! It is a bit of a mind twist but you can observe it for yourself.  Our grandmothers got THEIR sparks from their own, and so on, and so on. The first spark traveled from the most ancient mother, down through each of her daughters, throughout all of TIME, until one of them carried and brought YOU.

There has been no interruption.

And with this spark comes Wisdom. Tap into it. Listen to what it has to say. It can teach you, testify to you, witness for you. Keep listening.

Your name has already been written in heaven. Of course the universe knows you, and shall welcome you at the secret, appointed time.

You could never "fail" -- you are already a JOY!

When you feel disconnected, whether via sadness or anger, or feeling numb, keep listening.

Begin to hear the music and songs of the ones who inherited this spark before you. They sing over you in the dark and deserted places through which you must walk.

Your journey has led you here, but it is not over!

Keep listening.