Let us sit and discuss psychological physics.
We know that there is a fabric of the universe, it becomes the basis for all things. Lao Tzu describes the Mother of 10,000 Things as unseen/invisible; unheard/inaudible; and untouched/intangible. A physics article (I search for the link presently) described truly higher intelligence in the universe is NOT complete order, the antithesis of chaos -- but rather the ability to aggregate into information that can be reorganized in several ways, instead of just one.
Cutting edge quantum stuff, but also ancient knowledge.
The Tao te Ching goes on to describe these three states of invisible, inaudible, and intangible as merging into one. Three things as one may sound familiar... and that "its rising brings no dawn, its setting no darkness... approach it and there is no beginning; follow it, and there is no end!" This does begin to sound like the fabric of the universe waiting to be acted upon.
Indeed, recent reports in the last few years from the physics front is that light waves become particles when observed, but remain "in original state" if not observed, making an interference pattern. The news seems to be rocking the world of science, as they step into the metaphysical world of matter being indeterminate until heard, seen, or felt. That reality is not predetermined, or a given, but made of many nuclei of tangled vortices, you might say, that unravel when attention is paid to it, creating reality before our eyes. Like the Unreal Engines used to render highly detailed console games. These games can give players perspectives from just about anywhere, at any time, because the game itself is not already made and waiting for something to stumble on it. It is made only as far as the player can see, from their point of view. Much less effort required in this model than the pre-rendered kind.
The TTC further says, "It goes on and on, unnamable, returning into nothingness... but when they (the states) are seen, heard, felt, they are present as one." There is that 3 in one again. The text goes on to acknowledge our eternal nature, and also the dual part of feeling our mortality; that we can be at ease in our lives if we could comprehend the way things have always been, bringing us into harmony.
There may be some language denoting a toroidal field, while formless and perfect, giving rise to shape; empty, solitary and unchanging, it is also boundless, ever flowing, and constantly returning. Like living puzzle pieces, we are miniature examples of universal creation, suspension, and destruction. WE are a reflection of the principalities of matter, that wave passing through the experimental plates... that with attention, become a particle, a visible rendering of whatever emotion seems to be running at the time.
Lao Tzu wrote "When the unformed become formed, original qualities are lost... (but) if one learns to preserve their original qualities, one can govern any thing."
We CAN get in touch with our original nature, bathe in the infinite fabric that contains all knowledge, by meditation and other connection-based activities. Jesus told us we are IN the world but not OF it; Erwin Schrodinger showed us something called "superpositioning" as we delve into how an object can be in two places at once at any particular time, only settling the matter when the state is observed and locked into reality.
Think of what power that gives you as you move through your day!
Remember, the knots of reality strings are small, and are coaxed out with attention; the state of an object can have complicated forces connected to it. These quantum layers of available realities, these seeds of materia, are termed the "Copenhagen Interpretation" and many global scientists are interested in it, trying to find the line between what exists of itself and what we may bring about by looking at something. Our attention has that much power.
There are many similarities between the Tao te Ching and the New Testament, one is the description of what it is like to live our true natures:
"Be the pattern of the world... move constantly in the path of virtue... travel without leaving a trace... speak without hurting... give without keeping a tally... help all impartially, abandoning which?? none! Waste no opportunity!" Some of these are paraphrased. But "To know the Way, understand the Great within yourself."
Inside you is the pattern the universe used to make you. You were shining through space until someone "paid attention" and brought this thought into existence.
You are now HEARD, FELT, and yes, also SEEN, reflecting the light you once were, and shall be again when you rejoin the infinite.
YOU are wave turned particle.
You ARE the light.
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