Friday, November 13, 2009

Captcha - Part Deux

I've been saving these up, but am lacking a certain sense of humor to make a good post of them lately... So I'm just choosing some of my faves, ones that happened to make me laugh today. Which is to say the list would be different each day... but oh well, here goes.

This is cute. Like the plural of CACTUS, to silly people like me.

It just sounded funny cuz it rhymes with Feces. Hey, I never said I didn't enjoy the poop humor. I do.

OK, this one just made me laugh out loud.

There are PLENTY of utilizations for this one...

...and again, with the crude humor. I could begin a new word trend with my friends in L.A.

This is something that may pop out of Mr. Bush's mouth at any given time, given his predilection for such accurate speech and his recently picked-up Texan accent... don't get me started. He didn't have this accent growing up. Oh wait, I got me started. Sorry.

This one is just too damn cute. Still can't think of any use for it. Feel free to help me out with any of these... would love your input. You are all funny and make me laugh, have at it!


  1. I would love to help you out but I can't seem to get past "expeeper". hahaha!!!!

  2. it makes me laugh each time I see it!
