Thursday, October 15, 2009

This Conversation Has Been Moved to the Trash.

How is it some people find it so easy to trash relationships?

Is it that they are unable to trust or be trusted... or unwilling? Why does someone find it easier to lie to a "friend" - maybe it isn't easier, but habitual. Self-serving. Pre-serving.

And how is it one little questionable interruption in a conversation can turn into a full-blown blow-out? Can a relationship actually end over something so slight, like "I have to get off the phone, my food is burning on the stove..." ???

Which turns into:
"Your food isn't really burning, you took another phone call. "
"No, really my soup was burning and I just spent the last 10 minutes scrubbing the muck out of the pan."
"I may be paranoid, but I'm not stupid. I didn't hang up right away and heard nothing on the other end. Don't you think burning beans makes noise?"
"It might if I had taken the phone with me to the kitchen instead of throwing it down on my knit hat on the dresser in the bedroom. I don't imagine you'd hear anything."

Why the hubbub, bub? If you don't want to make a certain effort, don't tell me one thing and do/think another. And worse yet, return to your original story and think I won't remember what you said a week ago. Or manipulate me into spending money just cuz you want something.

I don't even like your furniture. You can keep it.


  1. sorry, peeps, just a kind of raving rant of some recent events. my volcano exploded, and things are feeling better now - thanks for being the peanut gallery, this was a lame one ;p

  2. Nope, not lame at all.

    Sounds like your life would be better without that person.

  3. I'm with Camlin. That's what I was going to say.

    I have learned that when people don't trust me, it is usually because they, themselves, are not trustworthy. Friendship cannot exist without mutual trust.

  4. thanks, peeps. that's very encouraging... unfortunately this rant is an amalgamation of TWO people... just had to get it out, and looks like they aren't leaving my life but are reaping the consequences of their actions through no effort on my part. Glad to see karma working sometimes...
