Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm tidying up my room, rearranging some pieces. I clear a space for my CD player w/ speakers.

Since the CD player is currently located in the kitchen, I walk in to retrieve it.

While there, I remember it's lunchtime and I haven't made lunch yet, plus getting hungry.

So I get the leftover soup out of the frig to get it started warming up.

But the pan I want to use is dirty. I begin washing it, then move on to the other dishes that need washing.

There were to many dishes in the drying rack, so I had to put some away to make room for the wet ones.

By this time I had water etc on the countertops, and so had to wipe them down.

So about 20 mins later, I got the soup in the pan and turned it on, got my CD player, and went back to my room.