Monday, April 3, 2023

Favorite Quotes


These are in whatever order the scraps fell out of my overstuffed binder. Enjoy!


"There's no hope. You're too old. 

All of us are gonna die, and you're probably first."

~Caitlyn Jenner


 "I would rather die here and know I'll be invited to heaven." ~Marisha Ray


"War has been inevitable since the first cavemen smashed their heads to control the fire stick."

~Abreya Iyengar


"The streets don't love you, they just take you from the ones who do."  ~India


"I haven't been down a road I haven't found interesting." ~David Milch


"It's not a process of learning, it's a process of unlearning the hypocrisy that's been taught to us." 

~Leo Buscaglia


"I guess sometimes both suns shine on a womp rat's tail."  ~The Marshall of Mos Pelgo

"Thousands of years of relationship with Earth are not going to be disrupted by 500 years of colonization,"  ~Iris Rodriguez


"Only one thing's sadder than remembering you were free, and that's forgetting you were once free."

~Leonard Peltier

"I am America's conscience. They would rather look at a cartoon character than at the deceit of this country and this government."  ~Russell Means

"Anything can become a tragedy if you work at it hard enough."  ~Taliesin Jaffe

"Sometimes I wonder how any of us cope."   ~John Marston, playable character



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