These are in whatever order the scraps fell out of my overstuffed binder. Enjoy!
"There's no hope. You're too old.
All of us are gonna die, and you're probably first."
~Caitlyn Jenner
"I would rather die here and know I'll be invited to heaven." ~Marisha Ray
"War has been inevitable since the first cavemen smashed their heads to control the fire stick."
~Abreya Iyengar
"The streets don't love you, they just take you from the ones who do." ~India
"I haven't been down a road I haven't found interesting." ~David Milch
"It's not a process of learning, it's a process of unlearning the hypocrisy that's been taught to us."
~Leo Buscaglia
"I guess sometimes both suns shine on a womp rat's tail." ~The Marshall of Mos Pelgo
"Thousands of years of relationship with Earth are not going to be disrupted by 500 years of colonization," ~Iris Rodriguez
"Only one thing's sadder than remembering you were free, and that's forgetting you were once free."
~Leonard Peltier
"I am America's conscience. They would rather look at a cartoon character than at the deceit of this country and this government." ~Russell Means
"Anything can become a tragedy if you work at it hard enough." ~Taliesin Jaffe
"Sometimes I wonder how any of us cope." ~John Marston, playable character
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