Sunday, January 10, 2010

I AM... The OTHER Woman.

Mid-morning. He comes over, after everyone in the house has gone. We walk for hours, the two of us, ignoring that we are spending time with each other when our own loved ones are missing out. There is beauty, understanding, unspoken feelings that just seem right...

Yes, folks.

We hate them, we shame and shun them, sometimes we may say, You Go Girl, but we always hope she stays away from who belongs to us.

Why, you ask, when I have one at home who I love, and loves me in return? What sense does it make? Is it possible that I need more than just one? They aren't even the same sex.

Well, when you see this face, maybe you will be in love too...

Yes, Meathead.
But Meatie belongs to someone else.
Meatie himself does not even care to go home when he is with me.
He stays for sometimes days, even when I beg him to go home.

We go on our long walks... and this is the only view I get.

When I open the door in the morning, he is there, in the front yard, waiting to escort me on whatever business I have for the day.

Even when I'm cleaning stalls, he sits overlooking the valley where the puma and bear live, and says, No-one is going to harm you on my watch.

He hears the shrill voice of a woman calling him home when she discovers he's out roaming again.

He just turns and asks, Where are we going next?
He loves me better.

Sometimes I feel so torn.
Torn that I have to leave him outside when I eventually finish my duties outside. Torn when he sits at one door after another, knowing I am inside, whining to let him in from the cold. The cold air, the cold cement stoop, the cold woman who will chain him up the moment he goes back home.

Then there is Mew. How can I continue seeing him, spending all my time outside, when she is in here, ready to yell at me for being out... Why so long? she screams, in that crotchety, old-smoker, my-vocal-chords-are-going-out voice of hers. Then again, there are moments like these:
What is a human to do?!?


  1. Well, in this case, I might suggest polyamory.

  2. Let him in Laura Lee, let him in!
    And that precious little one will just have to hide from old Meathead.

  3. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, I thought the same... as all of you!! And I did let him in!! he stayed three days! Eventually his owner came and got him. He kept whimpering after Cat... I let him sniff her a few times, and he licked her upside the face. Either he really likes cats, or he was taste-testing. Hmmmph.
