Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Note for the Dying




THE ESSENCE OF your mind is not born, so it will never die...

YOU may not know exactly who is suffering, but question yourself: 


what is the essence of this mind? 


Think only of this. 

You will need 

no more


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day! from Lao Tzu

 The spirit that never dies is called The Mysterious Feminine.

Although she becomes the whole universe, her immaculate purity is never lost.

Although she assumes countless forms, her true identity remains intact.

The gateway to the Mysterious Feminine is called the Root of Creation.

Listen to her voice; hear it echo through creation.


... in the opening and shutting of Heaven's Gate, can you play the feminine part?

Can you love your people and govern your domain without self-importance?

Giving birth and nourishing; having, yet not possessing; working, yet not taking credit.

Leading without controling or dominating.


Know the strength of a man but keep a woman's care.



All under heaven have a common beginning; this beginning is the Mother of the World. 

Having known the Mother, we may proceed to know her children.

Having known the children, we should go back and hold onto the mother.






Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Highest Goodness



The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to.

Tao te Ching 

... the sun rises on the evil and the good; rain falls on the just and the unjust.

 Matthew 5:45


Hail to you, divine, unfathomable, all purifying Waters!

Rg Veda




Sunday, April 21, 2024

Five Colors Dull the Eye


Why do the five colors dull the eye?

They artificially limit your expectations.


There is a demonstration  of this currently in Tony  Robbins' conferences, where he asks the group to look at all the red objects in the room, then close their eyes. He then asks them to estimate the number of brown objects they think are in the room. An excellent device to show us how we can program ourselves -- and be programmed -- and furthermore, de-programmed.

If we had been told all our lives that dogs are required to put on pants and only cats wear skirts, and saw it reflected in society, we would, as the Bible says, learn something when we are young, and keep believing it in old age. But some may have traveled and saw different animals wearing different things. How would they express this reality of their experience? In an age where images and recordings are no longer thought of as immutable proof.

What kind of programming are you operating under, Grasshopper?  Know where your beliefs take root. Where did you get them? Are they really yours? Are they even real?  



Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sasq'et Heart


Even though the Tao te Ching asks if we think we can do a better job weaving the time and space for the universe, I couldn't help but wonder aloud to my teacher if we could affect just a little corner f it, the place we live. A new heaven and earth, sung into existence from a new song, as has been prophesied. 

"Well, how would YOU do it?" I was asked.

"I would want mine to have a spirit of community, equality, and value individual eccentricities. I would link the health of the planet to the people's hearts, such that it would need ahimsa agape to function to the fullest!"  I said, satisfied with my idea.

"What if I told you that it has already been done so?"


Now we may begin.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024




i do not shy from holy glory

i need to know how to look upon it

i bow to her, she bows to me,

in a whirly gig of heaven and shit. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Shekinah Sundays is Expanding!



 The beginning of this year coincided with a relocation -- a temple home was badly needed, for a long time! Funny thing is, it appeared when I had resigned myself to wait as long as it took. Then, boom. It was hard to believe, after having spent 10 of the last 20 years as a homeless disabled vet, when I read over and over in the Tao te Ching, that when you are "in" the tao, what you need flocks to you. Let this serve as living proof, if only to myself, that this is true. It all started / and ended?/ with meditation, with quieting my type A mind, meeting the lord of my own ego, and resolving the Great Matter in myself.

Our sanctuary and sound room are in repair, instruments are arriving, furniture is getting arranged. In the meantime, we had an equinox bath, and can't wait for the solar array to power evening lights and summer night sessions. In addition to sharing the teachings I receive, it is my hope to stream the sound creations on the Shekinah Gwaii YouTube channel. It has taken years, and now the vision is within reach! Farther down the timeline, a specially outfitted vehicle will take this shine on the road.