Monday, August 24, 2009

I Live By Buffalo


I know I have been absent a long while. This is the first I've been able to sit and breathe coffee shop aromas and do something OTHER than check my dwindling bank account and file my unenjoyment without dashing out to attend to some other necessary urgency. There is much to say, and I'll drip one story at a time, and do my best to hold back the flood that wants to pour out my fingers.

Starting with this one. Down the road from me is a field where buffalo are farmed. We may even go to their shop and get some ground meat. Hey, at least we know where it comes from! There is a sign on the fence on which is written, "WILD ANIMALS - DO NOT TOUCH FENCE." What is really should read is " if you even get near them, these docile-looking, grunting, tail-wagging creatures will RAM THE FENCE. which is only made of chicken wire. So keep driving, please." Yes, it happened! J was out marveling at the cows and their calves when a massive wall of meat suddenly appeared, it was the biggest bull buffalo... a prize specimen. One of the cows, evidently to protect her calf, went a-ramming this fence that looked like it was going to either fall over or she was gonna punch thru... either way his pie-eyed ass quickly backed off up to the road and we marveled from inside a running vehicle.

The farmers' market isn't til tomorrow. I have many many things to share with you, honeys, pictures, stories... thank you for not losing interest!! I'll be back soon.


  1. I would be SCARED if that happened.

  2. Unenjoyment. Clever. And I loved this story :)

  3. Unenjoyment. Clever.
    I used to live by buffalo - but no one ate them.
    I've missed you desperately. Glad you are safe.

  4. ' a buffalo farmer, dreadlock rasta '

    wait a minute, that's not right...:)

  5. HAH! yes I'm glad to be back. You all bring such smiles to my face... these are awesome.
