Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Verification Words

Sometimes these make me laugh, and I know they are totally random - but it seems so funny, someone HAS to be making these up. Even so, why does the 'captcha' at my credit union require only half the amount of letters that it takes to verify me as a human, to post on a blog? A bit of a quandary as to the safety of my money, but hell yeah, guard my intellectual nuttery.

So, because it's the hottest part of the day and I'm inside, bored like a little girl on a rainy day - well, except for the fact that as a little girl I used to be out in the rain more than not, building forts, observing puddles, making musical instruments out of dad's ubiquitous paint cans and anything else that made interesting tones when dripped upon by the various roof runoffs...

I digress. Here are some of my imaginings for some of the more interesting variants offered me:

preterim: (PREE-tuh-rim) N. the period of time before a line of succession or event. Occurs before interim.

redcomni: (red-COM-nee) N. A type of grain grown in the USSR, consumed predominantly in China.

fistabli: (fis-tab-LEE) N. A fight on a table, originating in Italy. Predecessor to the art of fisticuffs but requiring much more dexterity of the feet, and then there's the whole 'making a scene in the old country' thing.

demirapl: (DEM-ee-RAP-el) N. A half a noogie (demi = half, rapl = to knock on something)

warkie: (WAR-key) N. thingamajig. doohickey. whatever the hell you want it to mean at the time.

eteedia: (eh-TEE-dee-uh) N. Plural form of 'eteedium.'

fiessimo: (fee-ESS-ee-mo) Adv. Musical term: play it like ya mean it!

dilino: (DILL-ee-no) Adv. Musical term: play it like you haven't practiced.

kabblebo: (COB-bull-boh) N. An exercise originating in Israel, involving boxing and the Mysteries of the Universe.

libulify: (lee-BYOO-lih-figh) V. To make something pleasing - from the Latin *ad libitum* (shortened to *ad lib* = at one's pleasure)

bablogan: (BAB-uh-LOH-gun) N. A male person who tends to talk a lot. female version: bablogu

sworowgu: (suh-WAR-oh-goo) N. A female person who tends to swear a lot. male version: sworowgan

caromidy: (cah-ROM-uh-dee) N. A film that is supposed to contain humor, yet does not have the intended effect upon the audience. Can also apply to blogs, namely this one.


  1. Brilliant = INSTANTANEOUS = Instantaneously Brilliant = BI

  2. Addendum: comment verification captcha: cogra: (coh-grah) N. Chinese variant of the main antagonist group from American cartoon genre, GI Joe

  3. I don't know how many times I can tell you I love you. When I read one of these totally hilarious, brilliant posts it's the first thing that pops into my mind - "I love her, I'm so glad to actually know her, to have seen her in person and carried on conversations"

    So this is a quite perfect post.

    You know how there are quite a few of your lesbian bloggers that have the 'Refocksa' symbol on their blog?
    It came from a verification word - now we kind of live by it.

  4. E.D. - love it!! you can start your own list, I'd love to see what you come up with.

    Margo - you are such a darling.

    Propane - thank you for laughing, it is contagious!!!!
